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Big anniversary today.

Nine years ago, Amanda and I celebrated our marriage with family and friends on The Farm (not an actual farm). Nine years is nice, but because most humans are born with ten fingers, it’s not what we typically think of as a “big” anniversary.

Just the same, we are currently celebrating a big anniversary. Ten years ago today, we were in San Diego, about halfway through our epic, six-week road trip across the country and back. It was a crazy idea that we’d hatched in our last year at JMU, and was to be our first big adventure.

We’d also agreed beforehand that, if it didn’t go well, it would be our last.

We were engaged, but we really intended to find out before we actually got married whether we were ultimately right for each other. What better way to find out than six weeks on the road in a 2003 Saturn Ion with a tent and a couple of sleeping bags?

Did I mention that I’d never been camping before?

The second night we camped was just outside Toronto, and I’m pretty sure the temperature dropped below 40ºF overnight. We were ill-prepared for that, but we survived and soldiered on.

Later, we would camp in the badlands, in Glacier National Park, under redwoods, on the California beach, and in the desert. I didn’t love every minute of it, especially the night we slept in the car during violent thunderstorms in New Mexico, but it was, overall, fantastic. It changed my life.

I’m not spoiling anything to say that it was not our last adventure. Since then, we’ve been to Europe, enjoyed (and failed to enjoy) cruises, and been eaten alive by mosquitos in the Everglades. We’ve been on multiple whale watches when no whales ever showed up.  I would not recommend all of these adventures, but I’m glad we had every one of them.

Here’s to ten years of adventures, Amanda. Here’s to nine years of marriage. Here’s to many more years of both.


Ten years ago, she checked yes. Thank goodness.

(Though I wish she’d used archival quality ink.)

The life I live.

The life I live.

Good morning.

Good morning.


RIP Apollo.

Good dog.

Kaylee dances

Kaylee dances

I took this from our seats at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Turn 1, about two hours before the green flag of what turned out to be arguably the greatest Indianapolis 500 of all time.
It was my first race ever, and it was so good, I don’t know if...

I took this from our seats at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Turn 1, about two hours before the green flag of what turned out to be arguably the greatest Indianapolis 500 of all time.

It was my first race ever, and it was so good, I don’t know if I can ever go to another one.

“Ice on the fringe, so damn frosty.
People like, “Damn, that’s a cold ass monkey.” ”
This made me laugh so hard I started crying.


Ice on the fringe, so damn frosty.

People like, “Damn, that’s a cold ass monkey.”

This made me laugh so hard I started crying.

Grumpy Caturday

Grumpy Caturday

Kitchen Inspector! on Flickr.

Kitchen Inspector! on Flickr.


A New Desk: Desktime is Fulltime



[T]oday, many years later, I’m equally as excited to share the good news: Desktime is no longer an experiment. It’s our full-time passion.

For the first time since this trial run begun, we’re full-speed ahead, and we’ve been able to focus an incredibly passionate and experienced team exclusively on Desktime. 

This is my job now!


A New Desk: New Features: Bookings, Resources, Inviting a Member & More!


We’re excited to announce some major updates to Desktime. We’ve simplified the way Bookings work and improved the Invitation workflow to make it easier than ever to create Booking Packages, and bill Members.

I helped build a bunch of these new features!

I turned this into a computerish drawing with my new drawing tablet.
Drawing is hard, you guys, on paper or electrons.

I turned this into a computerish drawing with my new drawing tablet.

Drawing is hard, you guys, on paper or electrons.

Amanda’s idea, my sketch.

Amanda’s idea, my sketch.